How to Relax After Work 7 Ways to De-Stress and Stop Overthinking

You can access Talkspace from the comfort of your home or wherever you are. Here are eleven proven, effective ways to unwind and decompress after work, so you can leave the stress behind. The American Institute of Stress notes that Americans are the most stressed out group in the world. In fact, the stress level in this country is 20 percentage points higher than the global average. The same report found that a whopping 94% of workers say they feel stressed at work.

Caring for plants feels therapeutic because it nurtures a sense of purpose within you. Seeing your plants grow and thrive feels restorative and rewarding. Remember to put your phone away and any other distractions that might hold you back from getting some rest in another room. You’ll most likely feel better after you get a good night’s sleep. Drop your favorite bath bomb in the tub, pour a glass of wine, and get ready to relax after a hard day’s work while your skin hydrates itself with the bath bomb’s moisturizing properties.

Try Deep Breathing Exercises

Many people who are unable to leave work at work have sleep difficulties because they are replaying everything in their mind and their mind is not able to shut off enough to go to sleep. If worry about work is interfering with your relaxation or sleep time, considering doing a “brain dump,” or writing a to-do list or worry log as part of your bedtime or relaxation routine. Best of all, by reducing stress and anxiety in the hours before bed, you’ll be able to fall asleep faster rather than lie awake worrying about the next day. You’ll feel more rested and refreshed when you wake up — a surefire way to improve your overall wellness and how you feel at work and at home. A weighted blanket is great for helping you sleep well at night — but it could also be just what you need to get relief from the stressors of the work day. When you add a weighted throw to your after-work routine, it’s easier to feel calm and peaceful so you can enjoy your time away from your desk.

How do I destress myself after work?

  1. SCHEDULE IN YOUR DOWNTIME. Make downtime a specific goal and prioritise it by scheduling it into your day.

This creates a soothing sensation that feels like a gentle hug. It helps reduce cortisol levels and is the perfect accompaniment to other relaxing activities like reading a book or watching a comedy (skip the thrillers) on Netflix. Just don’t watch your favorite show too close to bed, as the screen time could actually make it harder to fall asleep (more on that later). Destressing through self-care is important because it allows you to invest in yourself, which studies have shown increases your happiness levels. For example, taking a bubble bath or doing yoga are both great ways to destress at the end of the week. Taking a nice warm bath can be one of the most relaxing things to do after a long week at work.

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Whatever interests you have, chances are, there’s a podcast that can provide entertainment and insight. In fact, research shows that moderate levels of short-term stress can improve cognitive function and boost your immune system. Triggering your body’s “fight or flight” response actually temporarily sharpens your thinking and bodily responses as you respond to something that your body perceives as a threat.

But some low-cost gyms have public saunas that, as the Finns know, are the perfect way to relax after a long day. Pair it with a workout and a shower, and you’ll feel like a new person. Sometimes, feeling overwhelmed by work comes down to how organized you are. Try setting up a priority list at the beginning of your work week by preparing tasks and ranking them according to importance. Long-term exposure to unmanaged stress can take a toll on your body and mental health, and recent research suggests a potential link between work-related burnout and depression and anxiety.

Step Summer Morning Routine for a Productive Day (

Some people decompress by scrolling through their Instagram feeds. But if you’re not careful, social media use could actually add to your stress after work. Social media can induce feelings of constant connectivity, particularly if you are linked to your coworkers online. This can further blur the lines between home and work, making it harder to truly disconnect and feel like you’re taking a break. If you start to hyperventilate as you worry about what work holds for you tomorrow, don’t worry. In this post, we’ll take a dive into some tried and true stress relief methods for turning your free time into relaxation time.

  • Once your feet leave the office, it’s time to unplug and let the mind feel free.
  • When you have healthy sleep practices, you will likely feel much more capable of dealing with stressful situations.
  • Start a New HobbyYou can try learning a new language, practicing a new instrument, or playing a new sport.
  • Use the time between work and home to transition from ‘work mode’ to ‘relax mode’.
  • After a long, draining day at work, there’s nothing better than finally coming home to unwind.

Not only does it promote relaxation, but it also provides you with an opportunity to unwind physically. Bathing allows all your muscles to loosen up and promotes the release of tension in your body. Taking time to just be still and relax in the bath can help your body and mind recharge after a week of stress. Practicing meditation for some time after a tiring day is a great way to channel your energy from stress to calm. Play some relaxing music, listen to meditation podcasts, open the windows to listen to nature’s sounds, and enjoy the ambiance. Enjoy the soft sounds and minutes of silence, and rejuvenate your mind and soul.

There are mindfulness coloring books available that have more sophisticated drawings or positive affirmations. As a result, caring for houseplants can help you reduce stress and anxiety. In fact, going ways to destress after work for a walk in the evening is a terrific opportunity to spend time with your loved ones. Now that you’ve got some practical tips up your sleeve it’s time to put what you’ve learnt into action.